Black-eyed Susans blooming in the right of way — June, 2022

A groundwater monitoring well installed at the
Colonial Pipeline worksite. Depicted is a 2-inch well protective casing.
Colonial Pipeline worksite. Depicted is a 2-inch well protective casing.

A product recovery well installed at the
Colonial Pipeline worksite. Depicted is a 4-inch well that will be completed with a protective casing.
Colonial Pipeline worksite. Depicted is a 4-inch well that will be completed with a protective casing.

Three groundwater monitoring wells installed near the Colonial Pipeline worksite.

Right-of-Way photo taken April 8, 2021.

One of multiple air monitoring stations established on and around the Colonial Pipeline worksite. This air monitoring station collects data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A view of the Colonial Pipeline right-of-way with a marker identifying an underground utility.

Working with a local landscape designer, Colonial installed a berm along Huntersville-Concord Road to enhance the aesthetics of the worksite during response activities.

Pipeline marker on Colonial Right-of-Way.
SR2448 Response Video Update
An update on Colonial’s response efforts from Vice President of Operations Services and Chief Risk Officer, Angie Kolar.